【单选题】We may call you for more information to_____ your admission faster on the day you arrive.
【单选题】— You seemed to be impressed by his words. —Not exactly so. It was his courage ___ his words that really impressed me.
【单选题】It was his friend's wife who came and broke the bad news that his friend's baby vas sent to the hospital.
【单选题】In his speech, he said that it was his primary school teachers that he was fond of ________influenced his whole life.
【简答题】《石羊河流域重点治理规划》实施以来,石羊河流入下游民勤的水量不断增加,地下水位得到稳定,巴丹吉林和腾格里两大沙漠的合围之势得到遏制。读图,回答1~3题。 1、民勤绿洲地下水水位最高的季节是 [ ] A、春季 B、夏季 C、秋季 D、冬季 2、水资源的定额分配是石羊河流域重点治理的主要手段,其产生的影响可能有: ①促进了高效节水技术的推广、②农作物的种植结构发生了变化、③农田灌溉面积缩小、④...
【单选题】It was his laziness and his rudeness that ______ his success.
【简答题】(22分)阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。 材料一 汉水发源于陕西省汉中市,是我国中部地区水质最好的大河,自源头至丹江口为汉水上游(如图1所示)。曹冬柏 材料二 2014年1月6日,国务院正式批复陕西省设立西咸新区(如图2所示)。西咸新区是首个以创新城市发展方式为主题的国家级新区,将建成“快速交通连接,优美小镇点缀,都市农业衬托”的现代田园城市。曹冬柏 (1)分析秦岭对汉水上游水文特征的影响(10分...
【单选题】It was his courage, not his skill, really struck me most
【单选题】In his speech, he said that it was his primary school teachers that he was fond of ________influenced his whole life.
【简答题】We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey or the year of the dog. And this year is the year ...