【单选题】In ( ),tipping is officially outlawed, but a discrete 10 percent tip is expected in restaurants.
【单选题】The variable is continuous or discrete: Student enrollment in a university over a number of years
【判断题】The Fourier series coefficient of discrete time periodic signal is harmonic, discrete and periodic.
【单选题】(题 1 ~ 3 共用题干) n 何先生, 25 岁,反复上腹部疼痛 5 年,本次因饮食不当使症状加重,恶心、呕吐咖啡色液体约 300ml ,伴眩晕、口渴、心慌、尿少。查体 BP 94/70mmHg , P 110 次 / 分。 病人的粪便可呈:
【单选题】The variable is continuous or discrete: Total value of shares sold each day in the stock market
【单选题】(接下来3题共用题干) 何先生,25岁,反复上腹部疼痛5年,本次因饮食不当使症状加重,恶心、呕吐咖啡色液体约300ml,伴眩晕、口渴、心慌、尿少。查体BP 94/70mmHg,P 110次/分。 1.该病人的主要症状是: ( )