【简答题】下列账户的期末余额一般在什么方向: 1)费用类账户的余额在( )方; 2)负债类账户的余额在( )方; 3)资产类账户的余额在( )方; 4)权益类账户的余额在( )方。
【简答题】甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,适用增值税税率为13%。2019年12月1日,甲公司“应收账款”科目借方余额为500万元,“坏账准备”科目贷方余额为25万元,该公司通过对应收款项的信用风险特征进行分析,确定计提坏账准备的比例为期末应收账款余额 的5%。 12月份,甲公司发生如下相关业务: (1)12月5日,向乙公司赊销商品一批,按商品价目表标明的价格计算的金额为1000万元 (不含增值税),由于是成批销...
【简答题】(26分)据中国环境报报道,从一份科技攻关课题研究结果显示,我国酸雨区已占国土面积的40%以上。研究结果还表明,我国农业每年因受酸雨而造成的损失达15亿元。为了有效控制酸雨,目前国务院已批准《酸雨控制区和二氧化硫污染控制区划分方案》等法规。 (1)在英国进行的一项研究结果表明:高烟囱可有效地降低地面SO 2 浓度。在20世纪的60—70年代的10年间,由发电厂排放的SO 2 增加了35%,但由于建...
【简答题】甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,增值税税率为16%。2018年12月1日,甲公司“应收账款”科目借方余额为500万元,“坏账准备”科目贷方余额为25万元,公司通过对应收款项的信用风险特征进行分析,确定计提坏账准备的比例为期末应收账款余额的5%。 12月份,甲公司发生如下相关业务: (1)12月5日,向乙公司赊销商品―批,按商品价目表标明的价格计算的金额为1000万元(不含增值税),由于是成批销售,甲公司...
【单选题】Which inference is more firmly based on the information in the passage? Jim Johnson panicked when he came home from work to find his neighbor’s pet rabbit dead and in the jaws of his German shepherd, ...
Johnson’s neighbor had children who took care of the rabbit.
Fido had probably dug up the rabbit’s grave.
【简答题】After John’s first wife died, he gets married again. His second wife was more younger than he was and they often quarreled. John once came home lately after work, his wife said to him that he had wait...
【简答题】T here were two men 1. ________ (live) next to each other, both with large gardens. One of them was a retired teacher and the other was a baker. The teacher 2. ________ (rare) cared for the plants in ...
【简答题】Mary got a little white lamb(羊羔). She tied it to a tree in her field during the day and went to take it home every evening. One evening, she found the lamb gone. Someone had cut the rope and stolen th...
【简答题】完形填空 When I first came to the USA, I made friends with a neighbor who used to live only two blocks away from my street. This friend taught me a lot about American __ 1 __, but in some __ 2 __I had to ...