Sri Lanka's tourism industry will recover faster than that of other tsunami-hit countries in Asia because the island nation bas taken quick steps to revive the sector, the World Tourism Organization said on Thursday. Tourism contributes about 2.0 percent to Sri Lanka's gross domestic product. More than 100 hotels were badly damaged or destroyed by the Dec. 26 tsunami, which left nearly 300,000 dead or missing in 13 countries, nearly 40,000 of them in Sri Lanka. 'The progress made after five weeks as far as reconstruction is concerned is impressive,' Francesco Frangialli, secretary general of the U.N.'s World Tourism Organization, told reporters in Colombo. 'We feel the recovery here will be faster than other Asian nations hit by the tsunami,' Frangialli said. Frangialli is visiting the country after attending a two-day meeting in Bangkok where tourism officials proposed a global campaign for coming months to persuade tourists to return to tsunami-stricken Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Maldives. Sri Lanka's tourism industry, revitalized by a three-year cease-fire between the government and separatist Tamil Tiger rebels, was badly hit by the tsunami. The World Bank said on Wednesday the tsunami caused extensive damage to the sector amounting to about $ 200 million in damages to facilities, with estimated number of tourists in 2005 now revised downwards by l00,000 people. A record 565,000 tourists visited Sri Lanka in 2004, tourist board figures show. The total was expected to top 600,000 this year. 'The best thing we can do now for Sri Lanka tourism is to encourage the early return of tourists,' Frangialli said. The Indian Ocean island's white sand beaches are a magnet for European tourists, and steady arrival growth helped spur the island's stock market to all time highs towards the end of 2004. According to the passage, Sri Lanka's tourism industry will recover faster than that of other tsunami-hit countries in Asia is mainly because _______.
The country is less seriously affected by the tsunami.
The country has more tourist attractions than other Asian countries.
The country has taken quick steps to revive the tourism industry.
The people there depend on tourism for living.
【简答题】She was destined for _________ (great).
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Our perception of reality depends on our past experiences.
Our perception of reality depends on our personality.
The relationship of a target to its background influences our perception of the target.
The time at which we see an object can influence our perception of the object.
Our motives and expectations affect our perception of a target.
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