【单选题】( )越高,表明本品牌对渠道的控制能力越强。
【单选题】( )年5月,在河南考察时指出:经济发展要“适应新常态,保持战略上的平常心态。”这是他首次公开提出“新常态”的概念。
【多选题】反映企业财务状况的会计要素有 ( ) 。
【单选题】In this land of plenty, we must be ashamed of the ______ and suffering that still exists in the slum areas.
【简答题】出口信贷国家担保制保险的范围主要有( )。
【多选题】反映企业财务状况的会计要素包括( ) 。
【单选题】The sentence "it could still go ignorantly on" means ( ).
Conversation could still go on without knowing who was right or who was wrong.
The people involved in the conversation lack education and knowledge.
Conversation could go on in a rude way.
【简答题】Landfills are problematic since they use land that could be developed for other purposes.