【简答题】Those companies who can sell stock must have the authorized permission of ______.
【单选题】男,34岁。发烧、腿痛4天。一周前曾水田插秧。T39. 4℃,P 112次/分钟,R 22次/分钟。结膜充血,腹股沟淋巴结肿大如蚕豆,压痛(+ )。诊断为钩端螺旋体病。治疗宜首选用的药物是
【单选题】语句 c=Switch ( x0, x^2 ),当 x=3 时, c 的值为( )
【单选题】The author is making comments on the idea that______.
the companies must adapt to new technologies and modem competition
the companies should offer enough job security and promotion opportunity
the companies should offer proper training and create an environment to encourage creativity
the companies should establish business school to train employees
【简答题】姐姐 说 今天回来晚。可是 这 也都 11 点了。(それにしても)