【单选题】The massive _____ readership, the almost free publication, and the ease in putting words online, combined, mean that literary magazines, which are practically profit-free in printed form, are blooming...
【单选题】How does literary style. evolve? Surprisingly, 【C1】______lie in words with seemingly little meaning, such as 'to' and 'that'. By ysing【C2】______writers use such 'content-free' words, Daniel Rockmo...
【单选题】下列词语中划线字的书写和注音全都正确的一组是( )
气 氛 (fēn) 贮 蓄(zhù) 祈 祷(qǐ ) 鲜 为人知(xiǎn)
琐 屑 (xiè) 执 拗 (niù) 粗 犷 (guǎng) 悄 无声息(qiǎo)
胆 怯 (qiè) 迸 发(bèng) 深 邃 (suì) 相形见 拙 (chù)
襁 褓(qiáng) 忌 妒(jí) 喧 嚣 (xiāo) 吹毛求 疵 (cī )