It is a great comic epic, a poem based on a traditional Spanish legend of a great lover.
It is about a strange adventure at sea of an old sailor who feels compelled to tell the people he meets exactly what has happened to him.
It is a crystal clear and lucid poem, which depicts various images as units in the whole cosmic dance.
It is a beautiful poem which expresses a relationship between imagination and the power of nature through the combination of the wild irregularity of the stanzas with an amazing degree of artistic control.
【单选题】三、选择题(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( 1 )第三次和第四次加工属于( )。 A 初加工 B 再加工 C 深度加工 D 都不对 ( 2 )小麦胚乳占其子粒重量的( )。 A 14.5%-18.5% B 1.4%-3.9% C 7.2%-15.3% D 78%-84% ( 3 )( )可以反映子粒的大小及饱满度。 A 密度 B 千粒重 C 孔隙度 D 腹白度 ( ...