D A chance meeting between two men who realized they had both been abused in the same Surrey children's care home has led to a campaign that has seen hundreds of former residents claiming they were also victims of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Music producer Raymond Stevenson, physically abused during his time at the Shirley Oaks home in the 70s, met a childhood friend last year who revealed he'd been abused in the institution. Within a few months, the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association ( SOSA ) was hundreds strong. “We have been in contact with over 300 people and the stories we are getting are just terrible," Stevenson says. “Every time we interview someone and hear about what happened to them, it brings tears to our eyes. Reliving ( 再现 ) some of the horrors they went through hasn't been easy." There have been two major police investigations into abuse at children's homes in South London and three people including a swimming instructor, William Hook, have been condemned for offences relating to Shirley Oaks. Another operation is currently on-going, but SOSA has lost faith in the authorities who they claim have covered up the whole picture of abuse in Shirley Oaks. “We don't trust them and that's why we have decided to do this campaign ourselves,” Stevenson explains A couple of weeks ago, dozens of former Shirley Oaks residents crowded into a Lambeth council( 议会 ) meeting-the authority which ran the show until its closure the mid-1980s. Councilor after councilor spoke of their shame at what had been allowed to happen to children in their care. Among t he crowd was the award-winning author Alex Wheatle who has written about the abuse he suffered as a child at Shirley Oaks. “We have not come here to go to war with the council ; we have come here to gain your support, ” Wheatle told the meeting. The Shirley Oaks association is doing more than compiling evidence. It is using music to press its case. A song entitled “Don’t Touch It—It’s Mine” includes personal testimony( 证词 ) from victims. “I was abused mentally , physically , emotionally and violently , ” the track begins. “Of the original 16 of us,12 have killed themselves...” “We’re not going to be told lies anymore , ” Stevenson explains. “We are not going to leave it in the hands of lawyers , politicians or council officials to tell us what happened to us. We want to discover it ourselves and we know music and dance and poetry are ways that can tell a greater story.” 32. What is the purpose of setting up SOSA? A. To show sympathy for the abused children in society. B. To reveal the abuse at a children's care home. C. To find the living victims from a care home. D. To aid those people abused at a young age. 33. What can we learn from the passage? A. The former victims depend much on the police for investigation. B. Twelve of the sixteen children were killed in Shirley Oaks. C. All the people committing offences in Shirley Oaks have been arrested. D. The former local authorities must have neglected their duly. 34. What has been done by campaigners of SOSA? A. Collecting evidence for the police. B. Creating music for the campaign. C. Going to war with the government. D. Turning to lawyers for assistance. 35. Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. SOSA sings for justice. B Child abuse in Shirley Oaks. C. Terrible memories in Shirley Oaks. D.A campaign to abuse the authorities by SOSA.
【简答题】Choose the best answer. 选择最佳答案。 People who diet may get lots of praise from friends and family when they start losing pounds, which makes them feel good. But ually a person reaches a weight level...
【单选题】听力原文: While many overweight people claim to have a strong desire to shed excess pounds, most do little to achieve this goal, a new study suggests. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesot...
About 30%.
About 20%.
About 61%.
About 50%.
【简答题】主管全国文物保护工作的部门是(    ) A.国家环境保护主管部门 B.国家环境卫生主管部门 C.国务院文物行政部门 D.国家建设主管部门
【单选题】Is it important to take into consideration the reactions of your audience while presenting?
It is not important because your presentation is good as it is, no matter how the audience reacts
It is important because if you pay attention to their immediate feedback you can shape your presentation while presenting
It is not important because if you pay attention to them, you lose focus on what you are trying to say
B &c
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【单选题】下列对利润总额的理解正确的是( )
【简答题】阅读理解。 Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school? If you do, you need to take control (控制) of your feeling...