【判断题】The sound /ŋ/ remains unchanged at the word boundaries where it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound as in bring it (/brɪŋɪt/) and sing us a song (/sɪŋəs ə sɒŋ/). However, in the case of...
【简答题】(1) Salmon may migrate thousands of miles, but no matter how far they go, they finally return to the rivers in which they were spawned, to produce the next generation. (2) Their journey is an amazing ...
【判断题】The sound /ŋ/ remains unchanged at the word boundaries where it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound as in bring it (/brɪŋɪt/) and sing us a song (/sɪŋəs ə sɒŋ/). However, in the case of...