【简答题】目前油田常用的是立式沉降罐,其主要依靠( )进行油水分离。
【判断题】当第一类防雷建筑物高于 30 m时,应从 30 m起每隔不大于 12 m沿建筑物四周设水平接闪带并与引下线相连。
【简答题】Arrange the following words and phrases in proper order to form sentences. 1.you will agree that,will attract the most selective buyers,when you see our samples,and the high standard of craftsmanship,...
【简答题】term, confirm, present, order, receive, handle, enclose, reach, please, dispatch Dear Sirs, We are 1) to receive your order of 18 th July for cotton prints and welcome you as one of our customers. For...
【简答题】某市一化工企业为增值税一般纳税人,主要业务为生产化妆品,2008年有关生产经营情况如下: (1)本期外购原材料取得增值税专用发票,支付价款2400元,增值税额408万元,发票已通过认证; (2)批发销售自产成套化妆品25万件,开具增值税专用发票,取得不含税销售收入6000万元; (3)7月份转让商标权取得收入100万元; (4)产品销售成本为2000万元,销售费用820万元,财务费用270万元,管...
【判断题】In our report, we shall present all we have found from our ysis of data.
【判断题】We shall present our research results objectively.
【简答题】Dear Sir or Madam: We received your letter dated 2nd July, expressing your dissatisfaction with the present level of our sales in Nigeria. We shall try to explain as briefly as possible how it is that...