【简答题】五、 Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you don't understand the...
【简答题】One lunchtime, May Ward was going round the local supermarket in Parkside Road, Liverpool, doing her shopping, when she suddenly slipped and fell. She was badly shaken and bruised but 【 C1 】 ______not...
【简答题】根据下述内容,写一份买卖合同 。 果品商店(简称甲方)的代表杜云龙同志2000年4月5日与光明果园(简称乙方)的代表肖鹏同志经过协商,达成如下协议。甲方购买乙方水蜜桃4000千克,鸭梨5000千克,青香蕉5000千克,要求每种水果在八成熟采摘后一星期内分三批交货,由乙方用柳条筐包装并及时运到甲方所在地,包装费用和运输费用由乙方负担。各类水果价格是:水蜜桃每千克壹元;鸭梨每千克柒角;青香蕉每千克...
【简答题】She was condemned ____ death on May 12th and executed two weeks later.
【简答题】案例分析题: 若张三欲打算在福州大利嘉购买一台全新的拼装电脑,张三拟打算先攥写一份买卖合同,请你协助张三攥写《买卖合同》中的“买卖标的”、“交付地点和方式”、“售后服务”三个部分。
【简答题】Later, she may ____ the wet market to say hello to a regular.
【单选题】If a person fancies another person at a speed dating, he/she may ______.
contact the person later
let the organizer know about that
tell the person immediately
keep it to himself/herself