【单选题】构建社会主义和谐社会 , 既要从“大社会”着眼;又要从“小社会”着手, 要以 为重点。
【判断题】The politician said people needed to go to banks to buy food.
【简答题】按照工序的性质,可以把工序分为 和 两类。
【单选题】Phonetic transcription is necessary for English because of
the irregularity between symbol and sound.
the International Phonetic Alphabet.
the International Phonetic Association.
【简答题】Phonetic similarity means that the______of a phoneme must bear some phonetic resemblance.(中山大学2011研)
【单选题】Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends, Noted British politician Sir Winston Churchill once said, 'Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-...
It is impossible for us to reach those goals that are not realistic.
The difficulties ahead will discourage those without a strong will power.
We should strive for what we set as our goals and success no matter what happens.
The road to success is filled with difficulties and even uncertainties.
【单选题】British politician, Ann Widdecombe, once said, "When it comes to talking about the weather the British people are a nation of ______."
【单选题】The very famous politician _____________ once said a sensible emperor should give priority to control of floods, droughts, storms, epidemics and plagues of insects.