阅读理解。 ● AC Milan star Kaka says a foot injury (受伤) is still stopping him from returning to football. He has not played for 32 days. Kaka says he is in a lot of pain. 'I hurt myself in an area that we always put pressure (压力) on.' Kaka once played for a year with a knee injury, but the 26-year-old said this is much worse. ● British actress Emma used to spend more time filming than at school. But today she is ready to pay more attention to her studies. This 19-year-old girl will start at the Yale University in the autumn. 'I always loved school. I just want to go back and find what else there is,' she said. ● Chinese 25-year-old sports star Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai in March. He had a successful foot operation (手术) in December in Houston, and spent the next three months there for recovery (康复) and basic training. It is said that a group of doctors are ready to help with Liu's recovery. ● Russian great tennis player Sharapova will not be playing in the MPS Group Championships, which begins in the US on Monday. Sharapova was missing the Sony Ericsson Open the week before last in Miami. She may continue training for the WTA Rome event at the beginning of May. 1. Liu Xiang's foot operation was successfully done in December in . [     ] A. Miami B. Rome C. Houston D. Shanghai 2. How long has Kaka not played football because of his foot injury? [     ] A. More than a month. B. About a year. C. Two weeks. D. Three months. 3. Which of the following is RIGHT? [     ] A. Emma started school at the age of 19. B. Sharapova may play in the WTA Rome evernt. C. Kaka was hurt by other players. D. Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai for an ad. 4. Among the four persons, isn't a sports star. [     ] A. Sharapova B. Liu Xiang C. Emma D. Kaka
【简答题】In a language Y, all words of the form C 1 C 2 VC 3 C 4 conform to the following restrictions (a) C 1 must be an obstruent (b) C 2 must be a sonorant (c) If C 3 is a sonorant, C 4 must be an obstruent...
【简答题】Solving a problem can be broken down into several steps. First, the problem must be identified correctly. Psychologists refer (1) this step as problem representation. For many problems, figuring (2) w...
【简答题】通过几次磋商, 2014 年 2 月 13 日 , 浙江佳马进出口有限公司与 杭州丽梅工贸有限公司按 RMB ¥ 748.80/ 个的价格达成协议;与 Ero Co., Ltd. 最终达成如下条款: ( 1 )单价: 128.00 美元 / 个, FOB 中国宁波港,依据 INCOTERMS ® 2010 ( 2 )数量: 800 个 ( 3 )支付: 20% 合同金额在合同签订后 15 天内电汇...
T TL或非门
【多选题】An administrator is configuring a Catalyst switch with VLAN information that must be automatically distributed to other Catalyst switches in the network. What conditions must be met in order for the V...
The switch that will share its VLAN configuration must be in VTP server mode.
The switches must be in the same VTP domain.
The switch that will share the VLAN information must be configured as the root bridge.
The switches must be connected over VLAN trunks.
The switches must be configured to use the same STP version.
The switches must have VTP pruning activated.
【简答题】浙江佳马进出口有限公司与Ero Co., Ltd.签订出口合同后,能否马上与杭州丽梅工贸有限公司签订购销合同并指示其开始生产浴室柜,为什么? 2.浙江佳马进出口有限公司在出口浴室柜前是否需要办理报检,为什么?如果不需要,出入境检验检疫机构能对该货物进行检验吗?如果需要,当地出入境检验检疫机构检验合格后,要向报检单位签发什么单证?
【简答题】一、出口报价核算与发盘操作 2014 年 1 月 6 日 ,浙江佳马进出口有限公司外贸业务员张捷收到法国客户 Ero Co., Ltd. 经理 Murielle Lebon 小姐 的电子邮件 ,欲购浴室柜 (见下图) , 内容如下: 发件人: muriellelebon @ero. com 收件人: zhangjie@jiama.com 日 期: 2014-01-06 16:56:18 主 题:...
【单选题】If the student wants to get an F1 visa, he must be accepted as a___by the colleges or universities in the United States.
preparatory student
part time student
full time student
all of the above