【单选题】If you are ill , you should stay ___________.
【单选题】消费者朱某的家离集镇有20里地,村里只有一个小商店,且商品品种不多,数量有限。店 主马某听说朱某元旦节要为女儿操办婚事摆宴席,遂主动上门要求为朱某提供一些商品。双方约定,元旦节前一天,马某向朱某提供硬糖20斤(品种不少于10个)、白酒50斤、啤酒10 箱。双方对质量价格也作了约定。达成协议后,朱某当即预付了300,元的货款。元旦节前一 天,朱某到商店询问有关情况,马某以商品批发价上涨为由,要朱某提...
【单选题】If you are ill, you should go to the________
【单选题】Body temperature can ( ) if you are ill.
【单选题】If you are ill , you should _____________ a doctor.
【单选题】If you are ill, you must ____to see the doctor.
【单选题】If you are ill you can say that you are ______.
【单选题】If you are ill, please see a doctor time.