听力原文: Now for the weather prospects for the next 24 hours. In northern areas, tomorrow morning will start bright and sunny, with light westerly winds. Some clouds will come in during the morning, and by the afternoon it will be overcast, with very little sunshine, and probably some outbreak of rain. The westerly wind will change in direction to the north-west, and become rather stronger. So northern areas can expect a pleasant morning, but a dull and probably wet and windy afternoon. Temperature generally will be about 12 degrees Centigrade, so rather cold. That's the picture for the north. The picture for the south is rather different. Here it will be mainly dry. There will be some clouds, and maybe the clouds will be from the southwest, and rather light. Temperatures will be a couple of degrees higher, say fourteen or sixteen, most of the day. And that will be the pattern for the day, but in the evening and night the rather cold weather will move down from the north, so you can expect rain during the night. The out look for the weekend is that this rather cool wet weather will continue, at least through Saturday. And that's all from the weather desk. What is the report about?
The weather tonight in the northern part of the country.
The weather yesterday in the whole country.
Tomorrow's weather in two parts of the country.
Tomorrow's weather in the southern part of the country.