【单选题】甲公司于2016年1月1日,采用分期付款方式购入大型设备一套,当日投入使用。合同约定的价款为2 700万元,分3年等额支付;该分期支付购买价款的现值为2 430万元。假定不考虑其他因素,甲公司该设备的入账价值为( )万元。
【单选题】Read the passage and circle the best answers. What is the root of all business problems?
【单选题】What is the root cause of aliasing problem in rendering
The rasterization rendering has unlimited sampling rate
We cannot afford to use the retina screen on all devices
The sampling rate is impossible to match the high frequency of the real world
People have insatiable needs for visual quality
【简答题】元曲四大家是关汉卿、 、郑光祖、 白朴 。
【简答题】元曲四大家是指 关汉卿、 、白朴、郑光祖。
【单选题】What is the root cause to have multiple conclusions in a speech?
Evidence attempting to support a factual claim, or a group of strong reasons supporting a prescriptive conclusion can both be interpreted to mean different things.
Evidence attempting to support a factual claim can be interpreted to mean different things.
group of strong reasons supporting a prescriptive conclusion can both be interpreted to mean different things.
Reasons generally speak for themselves in an obvious way.
【简答题】Watch a video
clip and discuss the following questions in pairs. 1. What environmental problem is focused in the video clip? 2. What is the root cause of this problem? [难以忽视的真相].An.Inconvenient.Truth....