【单选题】患者,男性,56岁,因“口服甲胺磷半瓶1小时入院”,入院时查体:神志不清,呼之不应,两瞳孔直径5mm,对光反应迟钝,两肺遍及湿啰音,心率59次/分,律齐,腹软,全身潮湿。入院后予心电监护,静脉通路开通等治疗,心电监护数据 BP 90/52mmhg,SPO2 85%,HR59次/分,你认为有效的治疗药物是:
【单选题】患者,男性,56岁,因“口服甲胺磷半瓶1小时入院”,入院时查体:神志不清,呼之不应,两瞳孔直径5mm,对光反应迟钝,两肺遍及湿啰音,心率59次/分,律齐,腹软,全身潮湿。入院后予心电监护,静脉通路开通等治疗,心电监护数据 BP 90/52mmhg,SPO2 85%,HR59次/分,接下来你认为最重要的措施是
【简答题】A.Yes, she will. B.She has not made her decision yet. C.No, she won't. D.It is not known.
【单选题】She won the first prize, though none of us had ____________ it.
【单选题】The news _____ the football team won the game made us happy.
【单选题】______ in the entrance examination made us surprised as she is not a diligent student.
【单选题】___________ she was chosen made us very happy.