【简答题】患者李某,男性,35岁,尿潴留,遵医嘱行留置导尿。 导尿管插入尿道深度约为A.4~6 cm B.7~10 cm C.10~15 cm D.18~20 cm E.20~22 cm 插入导尿管时,提起阴茎与腹壁成60°是使A.尿道膜部扩张 B.尿道耻骨前弯扩大 C.尿道耻骨下弯扩大 D.尿道耻骨前弯消失 E.尿道耻骨下弯消失 首次导尿放出尿量不应超过A.500 ml B.800 ml C.1000 m...
【简答题】Unit 7 Translation Assignment Translate the underlined sentences into English, using the words given below. alternative; elite; conquer; come up with; arouse; tolerance; resemble 公元前238年,嬴政亲政之后,开始用李斯...
UNIT 7 TRANSLATION Task: ? Translate the
passage into English, using the words given below: alternative elite conquer come up with arouse tolerance resemble 公元前 238 年,嬴政亲政之后,开始用李斯 替代...