混凝土强度等级由150mm立方体抗压试验,按( )确定。 A. 平均值 ; B. B. ; C. C. ; D. D. ; E. :B F. 规范规定的受拉钢筋锚固长度 为( )。 G. 随混凝土强度等级的提高而增大; H. 随钢筋等级提高而降低; I. 随混凝土等级提高而减少,随钢筋等级提高而增大; J. 随混凝土及钢筋等级提高而减小
【简答题】A.Take a class together with Mary. B.Ask Mary to help him choose a topic. C.Change the topic of his research project. D.Sign up for a different political science course.
【简答题】A.Take a class together with Mary. B.Ask Mary to help him choose a topic. C.Change the topic of his research project. D.Sign up for a different political science course.