【简答题】共价键的本质是由于原子相互接近时轨道重叠,原子间通过共用自旋相反的( )使体系能量降低,从而成键。
【多选题】地理课上,为了使学生理解经纬线的概念和意义,某老师说:“在浩瀚的太平洋上,一艘 远洋轮船出現了严重的故障,在自救无果的情况下,船长拿起电话,向总部求救。如果你是 船长,你怎么说呢?” 一学生做打电话状:“喂,总部,我们出事了,快来救我们。” “我是总部,请报告你们的位置。”教师追问。 该生迟疑了一下,小声回答了一句“我们在太平洋上”。 他的回答引起了哄堂大笑。老师问:“同学们为什么笑呢?” “太平...
【单选题】Listen again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. [音频] Which of the following statements is NOT correct when describing Robert?
He has his own idea about his future job
He is interested in his parents' careers.
He thinks Peter is not old enough to make his own decisions.
He is interested in the work itself rather than the money he will earn.
【简答题】二十五岁已婚妇女,以往月经不规则,3~4日1~3月。现停经6+月,于停经3+月时感恶心,食欲减退。最近几日感觉胎动,检查乳头、乳晕着色加深,宫底达脐耻之间。借助多普勒探测仪可听到胎心。该病例应初步诊断为A、妊娠2个月左右 B、妊娠3个月左右 C、妊娠4个月左右 D、妊娠6个月左右 E、妊娠7个月左右 推算孕周较准确的方法是A、测血β-hCG B、测量子宫长度 C、测量腹围 D、测量雌、孕激素 E、...
【单选题】A guest has just finished telling you a long list of all the issues they have with the cleanliness of their room. Which is the best response?
Make a final comment such as “Good point!”
Summarize the speaker’s comments.
Tell them you're sorry and that it will never happen again.
Use small verbal comments such as, “Ahh!”, “Oh”, “hmmm...”
【单选题】Read the text again and choose the best answer for each of the following questions. Which of the following statements is true about the way trust operates in a relationship?
If the emotional orientation to a person is positive, then trust is built among people.
If the emotional orientation to a person is positive, it’s impossible for people to make negative judgments.
If the emotional orientation to a person is negative, then reason will remind people to be positive.
If the emotional orientation to a person is negative, then reason will turn round to negative feelings.